Ways to surprise your boyfriend

1.      Cook him a meal
Plan a delicious dinner for him on an ordinary night and call him over as a matter of course. Make it a full-blown romantic affair with candles, flowers and soft music. Your boyfriend will be surprised by the lovely dinner and pleased that you have made the effort for him. However, don’t attempt something that you can’t carry off smoothly, as it will not serve the purpose if you get hassled and exhausted. Let there be only one main course, if you wish, but make sure you both have a good time during and after the dinner.
2.      Send him flowers at work
Let your boyfriend start off for his workplace, without any hint of what is coming up. And then around mid-day, have the biggest bunch of his favourite flowers delivered to him at his office. He is sure to be pleasantly surprised and loudly cheered by his co-workers.
3.      Get tickets to his favourite game
So you can’t bear the thought of your boyfriend spending time with his mates at a ballgame, while you think up nicer things to do together at home! Just this once, let things go his way and surprise him with two tickets to the game that you know he has been dying to catch. What’s more, zap your guy by happily agreeing to go with him and have a good time.
4.      Ask his parents over
Choose an ordinary weekend to invite his parents, or any other cherished members of his family, to your home. Make them feel really welcome and cook them a nice hot lunch. Your boyfriend will be surprised at finding his family at your place and enjoying the weekend. But more than that, he will greatly appreciate your gesture, which shows respect for his family.
5.      Welcome him at the door
Put on your sexiest evening dress and get ready to welcome him, with a glass of champagne in your hand as he returns home after work. Wait for the doorbell to ring and when you are sure he is alone, open the door and say something romantic. He is sure to wonder for a moment if he is at the right house!
6.      Surprise him with a gift
Buy something that he may have once mentioned that he would like to have. It may be something as simple as a new camera or a favourite book. Or, it may be something special, like a set of custom-made golf clubs or a classy watch. Whatever your budget, just make sure that it would mean a lot to your boyfriend to possess that item.
7.      Change your appearance
Decide to meet him on a date. But before you do so, visit your hairstylist and go for a radically different hairstyle. Complete the makeover with clothes and accessories that you have never tried before. This is not to say that you need to make a spectacle of yourself, only that you could give your boyfriend a huge surprise, by turning up with a completely new look.
8.      Write a love poem for him
Put down your emotions in a romantic poem for your boyfriend. He will be surprised and touched to receive a message that you have composed yourself. Don’t worry if the poem doesn’t rhyme – it should just be romantic and sincere.
9.      Act out his fantasy
If you know what your boyfriend fantasizes about in bed, you could try acting it or just a part of it out. Of course, this holds good only if you are comfortable doing what he desires. Otherwise, read up on unusual but fun ways of making love and go all out to surprise him. Make innovative use of melted chocolate, silk scarves and stuffed cushions, and he won’t know what hit him!
10.  Throw a surprise party
Invite your boyfriend’s best pals, without his knowing, and make arrangements for a party. It would be ideal if you could choose to do this on his birthday, in which case, don’t wish him the whole day and act as though you have forgotten his special day. Otherwise, any other day would do just as well, to surprise him with a party. Make sure that his favourite music is on and the dishes are ones that he loves best. Wait till he reaches the door, then turn out the lights and hide all the guests. As soon as your boyfriend enters, switch on the lights and yell, “Surprise”.
Now, you know that one of the best ways to spice up your love life would be to spring a nice surprise on your boyfriend. Not only will he love what you have to offer, but the element of fun and something unexpected, will jolt your relationship out of the daily routine and help the two of you to rediscover your love for each other.

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